Please find attached the following:
Tax Tables RTGS 2021 Jan - Dec
Please be reminded of the below, for where remuneration is settled in both ZWL and USD:
Extract from FINANCE (No. 3) BILL, 2019
4 Amendment of section 14 of Cap. 23:04
(2) For the purpose of section 14(2)(a) of the Finance Act, the taxable income from employment of a person who receives such income partly in Zimbabwe dollars and partly in United States dollars shall be taxed as if the income was all denominated in United States dollars, with the Zimbabwe dollar portion of the income being converted to its United States equivalent at the interbank rate prevailing when the income was received, and aggregated to the part of the income denominated in United States dollars.
The PAYE once calculated would then be split in the proportion of earnings and paid to Zimra in that proportion.